Misc info.Technical or Historical / Info techniques et historiques.
Belgium.\ Belgique
Czech Republic. \ République Tchèque
Germany. \Allemagne
Italy. \Italie.
Poland. \Pologne.
Spain. \Espagne.
Sweden. \ Suède.
Switzerland. \ Suisse.
United Kingdom.\ Royaume Uni.
Nederland./ Pays Bas.
Russian Federation. / Fédération de Russie.
- Blade History.
- Military Swords of Imperial Japan (Gunto)
- SERE Knives & Photography.
- Atkinson-Swords
- Knife-Maker.(tutorials)
- Pocket knife collectibles.
- Archerwin's SAK.
- All about The Gerber MKII.
- Auto Knife info.
- Knifeplanet./
- Most iconic knives in Europe.
- Best Pocket Knife Companion.
- A pocket guide to knives:
- The Sailing Knives
- My best pocket knife.
- Sak Wiki.
- SAAM's Victorinox collection..
- H.J Research Forum
- Art Knife Invitational.
- All about pocket knives.
- Angelic574, many pics of knives by Ron Applleton.
- Automatic Knife resource Guide & Newsletter.
- Blade Design.
- Blade testing Method.
- Boot Knife.
- Bowie Knifefight and fighters.
- The Bowie Knife's Origins.
- The Balisong Time.
- The Blackjack Info Project.
- Overview of the Buck-184 Buckmaster Survival Knife .
- Crooked Knives.
- Custom Tacticals FAQ.
- Diving Heritage, diving knifes.
- Elephant Toenails, The A. B. Haines Collection.
- E W Stone Knife.
- The Finer Edge.
- George's page.Photography about knives & swords
- German Dagger.com.
- German Dress Dagger.
- Karambit.com, Steve Tarani.
- Howard Wallace, Khukuri faq.
- Knife Wallpaper.
- Knife Set.org.
- Knife Making Suplies.
- Knivesby.com.
- How to cyber a knife, by Knivesby.com.
- Knife How.
- Knife Network.
- Knifemaking Tuorial, Bruce Evans.
- Proffesional Knife Photography Techniques.
- Knife Photography.com.
- Knife Web Randall CD
- Knife Throwing Info.
- M9 Bayonet.com.
- M9M4.com.
- M40's Khukri modification
- Marion David Poff.
- Military Carry Knives, all about Gerber MKII.
- My Armoury.com.
- Olive Drab, Edge weapon.
- Paulie Chromatic, The Auto Knife Collector Ezine
- A pocket guide to knives.
- Potterma
- The Sailing Knives.
- Spydie Talk
- Swords Buyer
- Knife Sharpening Made Easy by Steve Bottorff.
- Ulster Knife, Ellenville, NY .
- FBI guide to concealable weapons 2003.
Central & South America./Amérique du Sud et Centrale..
Asia and Pacific/ Asie et zone Pacifique.
Auctions./ Enchères
Forums & Blogs.
Blogs, french speaking.
- Couteaux U.S.
- Blog Couper au Couteau.
- Couteaux Régionnaux Arto
- Galud.fr blog.
- A.G.C.V
- Blog Agora Tec.
- Benchmade Balisong Collection.
- Balisong Sessions.
- Passion Couteaux, blog.
- Blades & Gun. blog
- Le rouennais et sa collection.blog
- La folie des couteaux, blog
- L'âme des lames.
- Blog, A Couteaux Tirés.
- Blog,La Passion des Couteaux.
- Le blog de maitre Lanceur.
- Blog CoutoGaulois
- Les forges de St Eloi, the blog.
- Le Couteaugraphe, Blog
- les Couteaux et Moi.
- Couteau-Survivre
- Le blog de Masuyo.
- Couteau Trefle.
- Couteau du Cam.
- Terre de Forge.
- Kiridashiandtools.com/
- Couteaux MG
- les couteaux suisses de Mc Gyver.
- Blog Couteaux Ronan-Jehanno.
- Knife'n Fun.
- Blog Couteaux.
- Le Blog, Belgian Knife's Society (BKS).
- Le Blog de Jacques Delfosse, BKS.Belgium.
- VictorinoxWenger. blog
- Le blog de Picanox.
- Les couteaux customs de Seb.
- Métal Connexion, Forum Coutelier.
- Forum Couteaux Suisses
- L'âmes de couteaux, forum.
- Forum Couteaux du Monde
- Coupe Chou Club.forum
- Forum Opinel
- Forum lancer de couteaux
- Couteau de poche.forum.
- Passion coutellerie.forum.
- Couteaux des Gaules et d'ailleurs
- Laguiole Clicforum
- Forges et Lames
- Forum Couteau Zen.France.
- Forum des couteliers forgerons francophone.France.
- Portail Forge et Coutellerie.France.
- Club Laguiole, forum, news..France
- Vie Sauvage et Survie,Équipement et matériel,Outils coupants.
- Passion Laguiole, le seigneur de l'Aubrac.
Blogs, Forums, others./ Blog et Forums autres languages
Canada, USA.
Central & South America./ Amérique du Sud et Centrale.
Asia. / Asie
Other Database./ Autres base de données.
Web designer.